Janie Gardener (JungleJanie)
@JungleJanie joined March 27, 2016

Raw Vegan 80/10/10 and General Wellness Coach.
Tech and Arts & Crafts Teacher and Tutor.
Gardener/Ex-Organic Farmer.
AMA (Ask Me Anything) Consultant, Coach, and Spare Brain For Hire ;)

I love learning, love life, and love sharing what I learn!
Topics of interest to me are virtually infinite, and I take deep dives learning and practicing a current interest.

Dropped red meat from diet in 1982 when went to college. First started eating a vegetarian diet in 1984, and transitioned into a vegan diet within a year. Been practicing a natural hygienic lifestyle since the mid-1980's, and 80/10/10 since June 2002. My story (Janie Gardener) is in the appendix of "The 80/10/10 Diet" book (up to the point of the first printing).

Background in a multitude of areas such as business, Natural Hygiene, organic farming, Permaculture, the 80/10/10 lifestyle, photography, computer programming, web development, fine arts, crafts, and graphic arts, in a variety of media and platforms. Consultant for FoodnSport and Dr. Doug Graham as needed since 2005, also attended and/or worked at the Washington State retreats as Ambiance Fairy, instructor, on-site event management, and other areas of responsibility there as needed.

Until September 2017 had been living on the “Garden Island” of Kauai for over 24 years, where, between working with FoodnSport and other clients, was focused on a long-term goal of an organic Permaculture agro-forestry homesteading off-grid lifestyle. Traveled the US Mainland after FoodnSport's 2017 retreats until the pandemic lockdowns, currently enjoying the Southwest.

Website: JungleJanie.com
YouTube: @JanieGardener