Updates on Pending New Version Update

Updated on May 5, 2019 at 6:59pm GMT+0000 in Tech Issues, Updates, How-To.. For This Forum
0 on May 5, 2019 at 6:59pm GMT+0000

TL;DR: Hang in there on mobile, fixes and nifty stuff are in the works! 🙂

There is another update for the forum that I haven’t applied yet. It looks like it will resolve much of the issues with mobile devices. The problem is: it also had some glitches, “out of the box” as people say, that would negatively affect current usage.

I recently resolved the last of those issues (follow emails) on my lab site.. and discovered the customization to order replies in threads with newest activity at the top was no longer an option as-is with the forum’s new code. The code this customization was based on no longer exists, as much of the way things are done has been changed in this new update.

So… since I need to change how those customizations are accomplished anyway, I’m going ahead and adding related customizations I had planned for after the update..at the same time.  I’ll let you know when I’ll be actually applying all of this to this live site, once I’m done coding and testing it on the lab site.