Fruit Sugar Causes Cancer, Diabetes, Candida, and Hypoglycemia?!?

Is fruit sugar dangerous or is it essential? Dr. Graham, in less than 3 minutes, logically demonstrates the absurdity of fruit being linked to cancer, diabetes, and other ‘sugar’ metabolic disorders. Excerpted from a live lecture. Transcript included. Continue reading

Date Palm

Nicknamed the “King of Dates,” the Medjool drupes are the largest of all date varieties and exceptionally delicious. Fruits of Date palms vary in taste, flavor, texture, color, size and shape. Deglet Noor, Barhi, Golden Princess, Barakawi, Halawy, Khalas, Hilali, Khadrawy are but a few of the many other varieties. Nutrition Facts Label included. Continue reading

Conquering Diabetes with Fruit-Based Diet – Interview : Robby Barbaro

Robby Barbaro manages his type 1 diabetes with the 80/10/10 low-fat fruit-based diet. He lives in Santa Monica, CA, is operations manager for Forks Over Knives. His records and shares his diet, blood sugar readings, insulin and more. Managing his diabetes is not the only benefit he’s enjoyed from this diet and lifestyle. Continue reading