Why You Need Exercise for Adequate Nutrition

One of the things I’ve been accused of is doing more exercise so that I can eat more food: “Oh, you just do so much exercise just so you can eat more.” Although that’s really not the case, I do recognize … Continue reading

The Law of Identity and Its Application in Comparative Anatomy

Dr Graham with Coach Shelby on his back

During a recent study, I came across some interesting insights that I believe shed light on the unique nature of human beings. The Law of Identity states that creatures with anatomical and physiological similarities tend to thrive on similar types of … Continue reading

The Benefits of Meal Structure and Avoiding Grazing

During conversations, I often encounter the question of whether we, as humans, are meant to graze and eat small meals throughout the day. I firmly believe that our biology is designed for structured meals, not grazing, and I would like … Continue reading

What’s So Important About Fruit

Bananas with Lettuce for Lunch in Costa Rica

As a passionate advocate for optimal health and nutrition, I wanted to share some valuable insights with you regarding the significant benefits of including fruit in your daily diet.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize the importance of starting your day on a refreshing and hydrating note. Dehydration, even at levels as low as 1% of body weight, measurably reduces performance values. Continue reading

Why I Don’t Dry Tomatoes (With Recipe)

Over the decades I’ve tried many methods of drying tomatoes. The first attempt was 40 years ago.

I lived in Georgia, and the summers were HOT. I thought for certain I could dry tomatoes in the summer sun, and not have to use salt, as salt is used with almost all commercially available “sun-dried” tomatoes. Continue reading