Why You Need Exercise for Adequate Nutrition

One of the things I’ve been accused of is doing more exercise so that I can eat more food: “Oh, you just do so much exercise just so you can eat more.” Although that’s really not the case, I do recognize … Continue reading

What’s So Important About Fruit

Bananas with Lettuce for Lunch in Costa Rica

As a passionate advocate for optimal health and nutrition, I wanted to share some valuable insights with you regarding the significant benefits of including fruit in your daily diet.

First and foremost, I want to emphasize the importance of starting your day on a refreshing and hydrating note. Dehydration, even at levels as low as 1% of body weight, measurably reduces performance values. Continue reading

Fruit Sugar Causes Cancer, Diabetes, Candida, and Hypoglycemia?!?

Is fruit sugar dangerous or is it essential? Dr. Graham, in less than 3 minutes, logically demonstrates the absurdity of fruit being linked to cancer, diabetes, and other ‘sugar’ metabolic disorders. Excerpted from a live lecture. Transcript included. Continue reading