Reversing Type 2 Diabetes in Less Than 6 Months – Case Study : The amazing mental, physical and emotional transformation that can occur with a strategic approach to plant-focused high-carbohydrate nutrition.

Cynthia, a Type 2 Diabetic, significantly reduced her symptoms and medications by following a plant-based 80/10/10 Diet, including drastically reducing fat intake to less than 15% of total calories, significantly increasing carbohydrate intake from plant sources and increasing activity levels in a slow and sustainable manner.

Find out more about the Conquering Diabetes Retreat and learn the exact method Cynthia used to change her life completely. Continue reading


This popular fruit is believed to be the first cultivated tree in the world, originating from Asia, where its wild ancestors can still be found. It has been an important human food source for millenia and is the leading species of the multi-billion dollar fruit industry today. More about the apple, recipe, and nutrition facts included. Continue reading


There are over 1,000 types of cherry in the United States alone — although only 10 or so varieties are commonly commercially grown by farmers. Also known as “drupes” or “stone fruits,” cherries are related to peaches, plums, apricots and almonds. Read more about this popular fruit, including some history, varieties, when it’s in season, nutrition facts label and more! Continue reading

Muntingia (Jamfruit)

You haven’t really partied till you’ve eaten all the mutingea you care for at one sitting. What a wonderful fruit! Likely the smallest of all the fruit you will ever eat individually, Muntingia calabura can be either white or red. This fruit has many names including: strawberry tree (because of flowers), Jamfruit, Jamaican Cherry, Panama Berry, Captain Crunch Berry, and more. Nutrition Facts Label included. Continue reading

Louise Koch (Fruity Lou) Interview

Louise Koch (Fruity Lou), author of Naturligt Rask – Alt om kosten (Naturally Well with 80/10/10), overcame numerous debilitating health issues by adopting the 80/10/10 raw vegan (811rv) lifestyle. Louise runs the annual Fresh Food Festival in Denmark, where she has been a public speaker for several years. Her website includes inspiring success stories, lifestyle coaching, lifestyle related videos, and her natural health books. She has taken Dr. Graham’s example and passionately invested everything she has into helping not just herself but countless others to enhance their quality of life through attaining greater health. Continue reading